Clifton Branham: Killing Rock The Untold Story Part 5

Clifton Branham caused a lot of trouble in the mountains of Kentucky and Virginia. Even if he did or did not kill Henry Vanover, many others would die in his wake.

The West Virginia Shoot Out: Killing Rock The Untold Story Part 4

The events would lead to the men going on the run. Two men would run to West Virginia, one man would attempt to run to Florida, and one man would flee to parts unknown.

Preston McCalvin Fleming: Killing Rock The Untold Story Part 3

The Life of McCalvin Fleming has always been overshadowed by his brother, Henan. Was he already married in the story? Why would he be with the Vanover family?

The Henry Vanover Story : Killing Rock The Untold Tales Part 2

Henry Vanover’s murder has been a mystery. Who actually shot him? Who was blamed for the act? And how did this lead to the Pound Gap Massacre?

Killing Rock: The Oft Told Tale Part 4

Doctor Taylor, Henry Adams, Calvin Fleming and his brother Henan would all be indicted as suspects in The Killing Rock Massacre on June 3rd, 1892.

Killing Rock: The Oft Told Tales Part 3 The Arrest of Taylor

Doctor Marshall Benton Taylor’s eventual arrest was dramatic. On the run and afraid for his life, he tried to make his escape to Florida. But didn’t make it.

Jane and Her Identity: Killing Rock The Untold Story Part 1

Will the real Jane Mullins please stand up? Who was Jane Mullins? And why is she mixed in with several other women?

Killing Rock: The Oft Told Tale Part 2

The Killing Rock Massacre or “Pound Gap Massacre” was shocking on several levels. The shootout at the Cleft of the Cumberland and Henry Adams.

Killing Rock: The Oft Told Tale Part 1

A frightened fifteen-year-old young man runs screaming and sobbing into the arms of Jemima Harris.

Killing Rock: An Introduction

This series will be a multi-part production about the mysteries surrounding the Killing Rock Pound Gap Massacre which occurred on May 14th, 1892.