JenkinsKy 1925

Jenkins Jaycees booklet

The history of Jenkins as told by it’s oldest citizens

1973 Jenkins Jaycee's dedication
1973 Jenkins Jaycee’s dedication

In 1973 the Jenkins Ky Area Jaycees published a book titled:

History of Jenkins Kentucky

Compiled In Honor Of The Sixtieth Anniversary Homecoming Celebration 1912‑1973

The following interviews were taken from that booklet. The authors and publishers of the 1973 printing failed to include a copyright notice. Because they failed to do so and according to our understanding of the 1996 copyright law, this work is now in the public domain.

To read the details of the copyright laws involved click here.

Although we do not intend to republish the entire booklet online. There are some fascinating interviews and stories in it. We hope that you, our readers, will find them just as fascinating to read as we did.

If you have a photo of the people who were interviewed for this booklet and would like to see these interviews updated with their photos please contact us through out Facebook page.

Leonard Henry Banks
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Leonard Henry Banks


David Sergent

April 6, 2016
Interview with Roy Fleming
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with Roy Fleming


Joanna Sergent

March 16, 2016
Interview with R. H. Wassum
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with R. H. Wassum


Joanna Sergent

March 16, 2016
Interview with Mrs. Maude Flint
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with Mrs. Maude Flint


Joanna Sergent

March 16, 2016
Interview with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Johnson
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Johnson


Joanna Sergent

March 16, 2016
Interview with Lester Abel
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with Lester Abel


Joanna Sergent

March 15, 2016
Interview with Jess Bates
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with Jess Bates


Joanna Sergent

March 15, 2016
Interview with George McCoy
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with George McCoy


Joanna Sergent

March 15, 2016
Interview with David Zegeer
Jenkins Jaycees Interviews

Interview with David Zegeer


Joanna Sergent

March 15, 2016

The History of Jenkins Kentucky

A Brief History of Jenkins Ky
In the fall of 1910, the Consolidation Coal Company, (known as Consol), purchased one hundred thousand acres of coal lands in Letcher County
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Jenkins History part 1
The most unique thing about Jenkins Ky is that in January 1910 it did not exist.
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Jenkins History part 2
The story of Richard Broas standing in the Elkhorn creek in Pike County examining a piece of coal is likely to have occurred in Sept 1883.
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Jenkins History part 3
The Consolidation Coal Company had purchased 100,000 acres of land that was the greatest coal find in the country. It was also cut off from the rest of the industrial world
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Jenkins History part 4
The town of Jenkins was so picturesque that a newspaper from Ashland Kentucky said about Lakeside “The clubhouse and lakefront look more like a summer resort than a mining camp.”
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