The Pound Gap Massacre 1

Doc Taylor & Ira Mullins

The Pound Gap Massacre, part 1.

Pound Va. May 14th, 1892, 2 pm.

A freighted young man runs into the town of Pound Va. looking for Jemima Harris, and George Francisco…The young man is 15-year-old John Harrison Mullins., son of Ira and Louranza Mullins. When he finally locates them, he tells them a horror story about a shooting on the mountain, near the Pound Gap.

Typical cabin in use at the time.

At about 10 am that morning. John and Jemima’s son, Greenberry Harris, and 6 others had left the home of his uncle Wilson Mullins. at the mouth of Cane Creek in Kentucky heading towards Pound Va…The party included John’s uncle, Wilson Mullins who was leading the group on horseback. John’s mother Louranza, his father Ira, and cousin Mindy were riding in a wagon. The wagon was being driven by Ira’s handyman John Chappell. And his aunt Jane was following the group on horseback. Along the way, they had stopped at a store and left Mindy (Amorinda) with her maternal grandmother… At about 1 pm, John and Greenberry were walking behind the wagon. They had crossed through Pound Gap and had started down the mountain. As they drew near a large pile of rocks, that sat beside the road. Gunshots rang out. John said; “…as he started to run, he saw Wilson stagger, and one of the horses fall.” John had just escaped with his life, as he had bullet holes in his clothing, and his suspenders had been shot into.

Jemima Harris immediately started out for the mountain. Along the way, she stopped at the house of Floyd Branham, and asked Floyd’s wife, Elizabeth, to go with her. Robert Mullins, who lived about three miles from Pound Gap. And John Vint Bentley, who lived in Kentucky. Were also traveling that day in opposite directions. They arrived at the scene shortly after Jemima and Elizabeth. What they found was a scene straight out of the police gazette. Mrs. Mullins was shot through the breast. Her husband, Ira, had received eight bullets in the head, shoulders, and thighs. John Chappell had received six shots. Greenberry Harris received two bullets in the head, and once in the heart. Wilson Mullins had one bullet through the heart. The horses were dead. and the wagon had been riddled with bullets. Yet the body of Jane and her horse was nowhere in sight. Ira’s sister, Amoda Jane Mullins, had escaped, riding back up the mountain heading for home. As she rode into Cane Creek, (now the Camden section of Jenkins), she was screaming, “Everyone is dead but me.”

The alarm spread fast, and many people were at the scene within an hour or two. Thanks to the help of John, and Jane, a picture of what had happened, was starting to come together. According to John, he had run for about ½ mile when the shooting had stopped. Jane had stated that when a pause in the gunfire came. She had yelled out; “Boys, for the Lord’s sake, don’t shoot anymore; you’ve killed them all. Let me stay here with them, till someone finds us.” Jane then stated that the men yelled at her three or four times, cursing and threatening her. Jane said that she thought one of the men sounded like Calvin Fleming. Another may have been Doc Taylor. And that a third man who may have been Henan Fleming, asked that she be let go. Then one of the others cursed her, and yelled: “Take to the road or we will kill you too”.  On Jane’s word and other evidence, four warrants were issued. A massive manhunt began for Marshall Benton Taylor aka the Red Fox. And the Fleming brothers Calvin and Samuel Henan.

Part 1   Part 2     Part 3     Part 4

Growing up I was taught to learn something new every day. Trying to live up to this axiom, I became a prolific and avid reader covering a wide range of topics and subjects. Although my personal studies have always been rather eclectic and included computer science, electricity, and electronics just to name a few. My favorite fields of study have always been Religion, Politics, and Economics, but my lifelong passion is the study of History and Anthropology. I have also always been a bit of a dreamer and in the possession of a roving foot. As such my life has led me down paths not often traveled. My career has been long and varied and has included some strange ways to make a living, all legal by the way. But at last, all my passions and dreams have come together. I have married the woman of my dreams. Together we have a wonderful home and we are both professional historians and spend our days in study.


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Sandra sexton Lightsey

This was my grandma Dora Mullins Potter family

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Edwin Michael Mullins

Doc was my Great Grandfather

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    David Sergent

    I did not know it when I started the investigation into the massacre, but Doc is also my great great grandfather, So I guess we are cousins have a great day and thanks for the feedback.

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Nancy Vanover Salyers

Ira Mullins and his friends ambushed and killed my great grandfather, Henry Vanover, as he and some of his sons were working in their garden at East Jenkins, Ky. Ira had been squatting on Henry’s land on Elkhorn Creek, Ky. and Henry had ran him off. Ira’s wife was Henry’s niece. Henry had also killed a Roberts man that had taken a shot at him but missed. Roberts was a friend of Ira’s. Henry was found not guilty of that killing at his trial at Whitesburg, Ky. Today, my best friend is a Mullins and we have been friends since first grade.

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    David Sergent

    Thank you for your valuable feedback.

    We are always seeking new information that will shed light on every aspect of the events that took place before and after the massacre.

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Jason Taylor

Doc was my ancestor and I grew up hearing stories that he lived through the hanging and his body was replaced with a rail road tie. I was told he moved out west and started a new life.

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    David Sergent

    I am glad to meet you cousin, as it turns out during our investigation we found that Doc was my great great grandfather.

    According to one of our relatives this did not happen. In fact I have found a newspaper article from 1901 that proposes this scenario and this is the earliest record that I can find that supports this story. However there are a lot of official records that should be in the public domain that are missing, Charles Johnson who was the court clerk during the trial laments this fact in his book ‘A Narrative History of Wise Co. Va.’ In it he asks three questions at the start of the story that makes you believe that even he did not think that Doc Taylor had received a fair trial. There was a lot of people in the area that had the same opinion and that is why there has always been so many unanswered questions surrounding the event. It is our belief that the newspaper story ‘MAY’ have been fabricated to settle some public unrest that occurred after the hanging.

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