Mc Roberts War Memorial
A Place of Honor Written by Joanna Adams Sergent In the Middle of the square…
Hemphill Memorial
Hemphill Coal Mine Memorial Written by Joanna Adams Sergent There is a very quiet place…
Leonard Henry Banks
Interview of Leonard Henry Banks The following article is written by Nora Fleming Figger. Like…
Jenkins History
Ban Saw at BanMill bottom Jenkins History part 4 Some of the first equipment…
Jenkins History
Copyright 2014 Helton Photography used with permission Jenkins History part 3 January 1910… the Consolidation…
David A Zegeer Coal-Railroad Museum
We would like to thank: The David A Zegeer Coal-Railroad Museum and Eileen Williams Sanders… Without your…
Jenkins History
Horace Walbridge Jenkins History part 2 Captain Richard Broas of New York became involved with…
The Arrest of Dr Taylor
The Arrest of Dr Taylor. Dr. Marshall Benton Taylor would be arrested without incident on…
Interview with Mrs. Maude Flint
Interview with Mrs. Maude Flint. When you moved to McRoberts to Tom Biggs, were people…