More Defense Witnesses: Killing Rock: The Defense Part 3
In our last article and video, we covered the testimonies of Mat and Sarah Blevins…
Sarah and Mat Blevins: The Killing Rock: The Defense Part 2
The first thing of note is that just as Dr. Taylor’s defense team had…
A Look at Dr. Taylor’s Case So Far: Killing Rock, The Defense
Evidence for the Defense Robert P. Bruce. Attorney for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Bruce had…
Prosecution Closing Witnesses: Killing Rock The Trial Part 14
The Commonwealth of Virginia's Prosecution Case So Far As we wrap up the Commonwealth of…
John Venters: Killing Rock The Trial Part 13
We begin wrapping up the testimonies and evidence for the Commonwealth State of Virginia versus…
The Testimonies of McFall, Cox, and Branham: Killing Rock the Trial Part 12
We will discuss the testimonies of Ruben McFall, Granville Cox, and John Branham. Did their…
Trial Transcripts and the Testimonies of the Swindall Brothers and S.T. Smith: Killing Rock The Trial Part 11
As we go through the trial transcripts so far, we have seen that the case…
Who Was Dr. Marshall Benton Taylor: Killing Rock The Oft Told Tales Part 5
Dr. Marshal Benton Taylor was the son of a Scott County farmer, whose family was…
The Testimony of Robert Mullins: Killing Rock the Trial Part 2
Doctor Taylor would eventually make his way to Bluefield, West Virginia and be apprehended by…